About Metamora

Metamora Village Park

Do you remember the cannon?

Villiger Invention

Shoe Store

G & B Grocery Store

Village Hall

1836 Cold Wave

Brighton Memorial Park

Early Modes of Travel

Old Bank Building


Willman's Drug Store

Metamora House

Ice Houses

Lincoln Statues Unveiled

Hindson Grocery and Bakery

Metamora's First Bandstand

Do you remember the wooden bandstand?


History of the J.F. Isch Building

History of the Metamora Garage Building



The Wooden Speakers Stand


The Village Park Cobblestone Bandstand

The Honor Roll Memorial

The First Lincoln-Douglas Marker

The Village Park Event Board

The Cobblestone Entertainment Platform

The Lincoln Wayside Exhibit

 The Village Pump House


Avenue of Flags

Horse and Buggy Days

Fire Bells in the Village Park


Lincoln-Douglas Park


Journey of the Boulder to the Park

Veterans' Day



Santa  Coming to Metamora


Metamora's Train

First Post Office

Metamora Bands


St. Mary's Orphanage

Uncle John's Tavern

Joe Noe Tavern


Valentine Dinner - 1910


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